December 2023 Tarotscopes

Written by: Kirsten Langston Published on: November 30, 2023

Justice - Rider Waite

Aries, the Justice card suggests a time of balance and fairness, you may be called upon to make an important decision.

Three of Pentacles - Rider Waite
Three of Pentacles

Taurus, the Three of Pentacles indicates teamwork and collaboration, your efforts will be recognized and rewarded.

Nine of Swords - Rider Waite
Nine of Swords

Gemini, the Nine of Swords suggests anxiety and worry, it’s important to confront your fears and not let them control you.

Seven of Pentacles - Rider Waite
Seven of Pentacles

Cancer, the Seven of Pentacles indicates patience and long-term planning, your hard work will pay off but it may take time.

Nine of Cups - Rider Waite
Nine of Cups

Leo, the Nine of Cups suggests satisfaction and contentment, your wishes are likely to come true.

Four of Wands - Rider Waite
Four of Wands

Virgo, the Four of Wands indicates celebration and joy, a time of harmony and peace is coming.

Ten of Swords - Rider Waite
Ten of Swords

Libra, the Ten of Swords suggests a difficult ending, but remember that every ending is a new beginning.

Ten of Wands - Rider Waite
Ten of Wands

Scorpio, the Ten of Wands indicates burdens and responsibilities, you may be feeling overwhelmed but remember to delegate and share the load.

The Knight of Swords - Rider Waite
The Knight of Swords

Sagittarius, the Knight of Swords suggests assertiveness and ambition, you’re ready to charge ahead and conquer your goals.

Queen of Wands - Rider Waite
Queen of Wands

Capricorn, the Queen of Wands indicates confidence and determination, you’re in a position of power and influence.

Ace of Pentacles - Rider Waite
Ace of Pentacles

Aquarius, the Ace of Pentacles suggests new financial opportunities, a time of prosperity and abundance is coming.

Queen of Swords - Rider Waite
Queen of Swords

Pisces, the Queen of Swords suggests clear thinking and independence, you’re ready to cut through confusion and find clarity.