
Let the stars guide you


Astrology is the study of the movements of planets, stars and asteroids and how they compel or influence people and actions on earth.

There are 12 signs in the zodiac, beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. There are 10 celestial bodies used in astrology, as well as a host of asteroids.

Third Eye Champagne Monthly Horoscopes

Aries3/20 - 4/20

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Taurus4/20 - 5/20

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Gemini5/20 - 6/20

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Cancer6/20 - 7/20

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Leo7/20 - 8/20

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Virgo8/20 - 9/20

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Libra9/20 - 10/20

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Scorpio10/20 - 11/20

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Sagittarius11/20 - 12/20

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Capricorn12/20 - 1/20

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Aquarius1/20 - 2/20

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Pisces2/20 - 3/20

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The Celestial Bodies


Rules Leo. Associated with ego, vibrancy, essence, ethos and personality, will and the expression of the self, authority, leadership, men, and fathers.


Rules Gemini and Virgo. Associated with the mind, thought, travel, information, communication, and commerce.


Rules Aries and Scorpio. Associated with aggression, war, sex, drive, energy, passion and ambition, what separates, cuts and divides.


Rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Associated with authority, limits, restriction, constriction, boundaries, stability, rules, law, karma, and lessons.


Rules Pisces. Associated with psychics and spirituality, imagination, dreams, fantasies, art, obscuring, distortion, healing, transcendence, poisons, drugs, illusions, delusions, mysticism and, deception. .


Rules Cancer. Associated with feelings, emotions, intuition, empathy, how we express our feelings, home, security, women, and mothers.


Rules Libra and Taurus. Associated with beauty, money, charm, love, marriage, art, fashion, blending, melding and uniting. Represents our values, what we love and cherish.


Rules Sagittarius and Pisces. Associated with growth, expansion, blessings, luck, good fortune, indulgence, wealth, long distance travel, and healing.


Rules Aquarius. Associated with technology, ingenuity, electricity, revolutions, surprise, unexpected change, transformation, the unusual, ingenuity, astrology and, disruption.


Rules Scorpio. Associated with transformation, obliteration, the unseen, regeneration, shadow work, wealth, death and rebirth, power.

The 12 Houses

As the planets move through the houses in your birth chart they affect different parts of your life.

First house – Rules the appearance, self, personhood, life, body, beginnings. 

Second House – Rules stability, possessions, income, money, values. 

Third House – Rules communication, media, short-distance travel, neighborhood, siblings and relatives. 

Fourth House – Rules parents, family, mothers, security, home, roots, ancestors, things hidden. 

Fifth House – Rules creativity, pregnancy, love, romance, children, sex, art. 

Sixth House – Rules daily activity, health, diet, service, injuries, sickness, work, and employees. 

Seventh House – Rules partnerships, relationships, marriage, open enemies. 

Eighth House – Rules transformation, death, taxes, investments, debts, inheritance, sex, and other people’s money/things. 

Ninth House – Rules long distance travel, foreign places and people, publishing, religion, spirituality, philosophy, higher education, morals, and ethics. 

Tenth House – Rules honors, achievement, career, father, authority, status, leaders. 

Eleventh House – Rules groups, society, friendships, alliances, social life. 

Twelfth House – Rules endings, rest, the unconscious mind, suffering, isolation, hidden enemies, constricting places like prisons and hospitals, the afterlife, the unknown and unseen. 

The Astrological Dictionary

North Node

What you’re here to achieve or represents your potential, where you’re striving or supposed to be striving toward.

south Node

Represents your comfort zone, your past, past lives, what you’re moving on (or supposed to move on) from. 


An asteroid that is called the Wounded Healer and represents your wounds, how you heal from them and the wisdom in your wounds.


Planets meet up.


Planets are opposite each other.


A laidback, fluid conversation between two planets.


Tense conversation between planets.


Harmonic conversation between planets.


Have three or more planets in a single sign or house.


Rising sign. The sign that is rising in the East at the moment of birth.


The point directly opposite the ascendant on the seventh house.


The highest point of the zodiac at the moment of birth. Typically the sign and degree in the tenth house (or ninth or eleventh).


When a planet appears to be going backward from the viewpoint of Earth.

Natal chart

Shows the position of the planets at the time of birth.

Horary chart

Chart created for a specific question.

Synastry chart

Comparison between two different people’s charts.

Grand Cross

When four planets are in a tense conversation.

Grand Trine

When three planets are having a party.