Send gratitude and healing energy to the Earth. Find a place in nature where you won’t be disturbed. Sit down and sprinkle loose tobacco as you speak words of gratitude and healing to the earth.
If you want to send out peace to the world, Universe, or a particular place, try this. Get a white candle and a some white cloth or a small white bag. Place within the cloth or bag one pinch each: hyssop, mint, allspice, cinnamon, marjoram, basil, and salt. Write on white paper with blue ink the verse John 14:27:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
Place the paper in the pouch and let the candle burn out. Once the candle has burned out, hang the pouch from the branch of the nearest tree.
So you want to bring abundance to the Universe, the world, the country, what have you. Here’s a good way to do it. Get a green candle and the Empress card from a tarot deck. Get some seeds from any favorite fruit (Auntie Note: I prefer apple), some fertile soil, some flower petals from any favorite flower (Auntie Note: I prefer roses), and a wooden box. Light the candle and place the soil in the box. Place the seeds within the soil. Then place the petals on top of the soil, and the Empress card on top of that. Allow the candle to burn down with the box in front of it. If wax drips on the box, so much the better.
Maybe there’s been a trauma, war, or genocide, even going back hundreds of years. Send some good energy to the physical area. Get a blue candle and carve the latitude and longitude of the area into the candle. Dress the candle with cedar oil or rosemary oil. Light the candle and sit with it, focusing on sending high vibes to the area. Let the candle burn out.
Create a positive feedback loop with All That Is. Get a white or rainbow candle, some sand, some water, and some sage or other smudging herb. Imagine a compass establishing the four directions, or points (north, south, east, west) in your space. Place one item at each of the four corners of the compass points. Light the candle and the sage. You can sit on the outside or inside of the four points. Visualize a tunnel of light going from you to the center of the Universe. Begin to send your healing energies through the tunnel. Do this for as long as you like.