Brown Smoke
Brown smoke is a sign that something is “dirty.” There are people or situations in your life right ... more
Brown smoke is a sign that something is “dirty.” There are people or situations in your life right ... more
Purplish or violet smoke is a sign that spirits are close to you.
White smoke is generally considered to be a good sign. Your endeavors are blessed at this time and ... more
Wind coming in from the South is a good omen and foretells fun and easy times, as well ... more
Wind coming from the West implies restlessness and restless spirits about.
If you drop an eating utensil on the floor it means that company is coming soon.
If a broom falls over it means a stranger is coming.
These thin clouds foretell rain or snow.
These delicate, wispy clouds indicate there will soon be a change in the weather.
If you see these thick clouds on hot days, it can foretell rainstorms, hail or tornadoes.
A door slammed by the wind foretells shocking news.
An East wind foretells transformation that will be cause for celebration.
An itching ear means someone is talking about you.
A ringing in the ear indicates a switch in frequency and vibration. It can also be a sign ... more
To crack open an egg and see blood means illness, injury or even death will occur.
Itching palms means money is coming to you.
To hear a dog howl in the night means someone is going to die soon.
Batten the hatches, because a North wind foretells change and possibly some chaotic times.
A ring around the moon is a portentous omen. It means something is about to happen.
Dropped scissors that stick in the floor or ground means you have an active enemy.
Black smoke is generally considered to be a bad sign. It is a sign that dark energies are ... more
Blue or grey-blue smoke is a sign that you are in the presence of spirits.